
quinta-feira, julho 29, 2004

Stories of u 

The tires splash against the used up pavement
these streets now lay in solitude and its dents could cry stories
tell of heartaches
and broken hearts
these used up streets would say so much if someone would just stop for them
my drive thru u, like an off key voice trying to sound sweet in all its anguish
broken melodies
u open up to me as i run thru u w/o looking back
but nevertheless observant of all the lights finally saying good-night,
and late night walks--
and u
drinking up what u can take
hoping i'd wait--take just a little bit longer
to listen to ur voice
u gently rasp against my tires and ur tears tap my window
one glance and i'm not bothered
for ur voice resounds in this city
it speaks like all the others in btwn u and me and the place i want to get to
and their voices, too, are just a bit too familiar


terça-feira, julho 20, 2004

I fear not having u
so i don't leave
but i don't stay either
i'm somewhere in btwn
and that too isn't good enough
w/ no meeting place
no hiding space
i stand here
btwn the me and the person i should be
but both wish to have the same thing--
stuck in btwn each other
stuck in the loves of another
dying to be ravished--
i want u
and i fear not having u
i dont leave u
b/c if i did
i wouldn't even be in this in btwn
of the me
and the person i'm still to be


Além dos Paradoes 

I miss u
I miss u b/c every once in a while the air smells of u
I miss u b/c a dog barking in the distance echoed back my longing for u
I miss u b/c i see the apple trees blooming and that in itself takes me back to u,
and there, i miss u
I miss u
e queres saber porquê?
I miss u b/c the thought of having um corneto de frutos silvestres
ou um perna de pau brings me back to u
for only u can do such a thing to me
I miss u b/c a aragem do mar provoca-me saudade
e o pôr do sol, ou falta dele, traz-me lágrimas aos olhos
Lembro-me claramente de descer as dunas só pra poder sentir a areia fina entre os meus dedos
e lembro-me da maneira que as ondas batiam (e continuam a bater) contra os rochedos, as divisoes dos paradoes
and i remember my heart cooling off as i sat there w/ so many voices, so many people, yet completely isolated from my surroundings
I long to have u back
I long to go to u
to finally greet u
to be able to breathe u once again
to feel u brush against me
na aragem, no silêncio recentemente quebrado, nesse barulho calmo e sutil do dia recem nascido
quero beijar-te ao sair do aviao


terça-feira, julho 06, 2004

Mais um Telefonema 

Don't wanna create an illusion. Not another one.
Amor, tu queres-me?
Don't wanna breathe another lie. Not again.
Gostas de ouvir a minha voz?
Don't wanna miss u anymore. Nem mais esta vez.
Lindo, o que é que sentes por mim?
Nao quero sentir mais um fraco por ti. There have been too many.
Love, where am i in ur world? Serei eu o centro dele?
Nunca o esperei ser, mas gostaría de pelo menos viver nele.
Don't wanna create dreams w/o a definite path for them. Nao c/ o que tem a ver contigo. Nao agora. Talvez jamais o farei.
Amor, quero-te. Mas a minha voz nao a ouvirás. E nao é por falta de vontade de te o dizer, mas sim por falta de vontade de o quereres ouvir.


Os Meus Dias de Praia 

Tu, amor
és como o sol em dias de praia
quanto mais me beijas mais te desejo
e por vezes até saio da tua presença
mas regresso sempre ao fim da tarde
pra sentir os teus carinhos


Prefiro-te a Ti 

sempre serás a minha Primavera


domingo, julho 04, 2004


Take me from the shelf
rip away the covers
passa os olhos na dedicatoria
e arranca-a também
edit all the pages' contents
cada palavra e ponto final
responde as perguntas
e apaga os pontos de exclamaçao
e os resumos que fizeres
serao estórias do que eu era
corrige erros
altera as frases
mas tira-me de onde estou
e escreve-me de novo


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