
segunda-feira, novembro 07, 2005

When I cross, the bridges fall 

Sometimes I wish I had words that would make your eyes cry, and hide from mine,
maybe u'd then regret doing that to mine
I just don't know how to paint my words anymore, they've bcm blank and the pages wither w/o life, and I hide
I can't break open the thoughts inside my head
I can't take the tears from this heart of mine and I often cry --- I...
My life falls w/ the leaves as I walk these streets and I don't know what to do, b/c all I had, I surrendered and that u took, too
Ha momentos k te sentes perdida, e este e um desses momentos onde respiro, mas ainda nao vivo
All I have is the residue of loving what I do, the residue of letting my words breathe for me; I have bits and pieces of passionate thoughts and indescribable moments where I would let myself go, and allow my pen take the wheel, ate ela me dizer k ja se sentia cansada de tanto se confessar
and even then, I would force her just a bit more, e agora ela chora dentro do porta-lapis, dentro da minha mala, ate no chao ela se encontra por vezes
I just can't break these thoughts--they make no sense sometimes
I suppress them, much like u would something u're ashamed of; I ignore them, much like u would someone u don't love
I hear the whispers of the cries from inside and I turn the tides so I don't have to be like them, and cry--
Como e k me podem comprovar k nao me mentem, se ate o meu coracao o faz?
Escondo-me atras do meu olhar, entre as paredes k continuo a construir entre tu e eu, e tu, sendo tudo em k jamais confio
Detesto k se facam em minha vida, simplesmente actores, onde a unica coisa k sabem, e o dialogo anteriormente memorizado
Cada dia k passa detesto mais este mundo, I displace myself from ur grasp, mas quanto mais fujo, mais perto de ti me encontro
K merda
I wish I had the words to leave u speechless, the words that would paint the most beautiful of thoughts, the words... palavras pra k vejas realmente o k sinto
It's bullshit not being what I wish I was, or who at one point, I was
Farta, farta desta porcaria onde nao se encontra ninguem k vale apena, ninguem k...


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