
sábado, agosto 13, 2005

Save me From this Sanity 

i can't believe these words are coming from my lips:
i don't want to love u anymore
i don't want to be here just for the hell of it, i'm not for spare time, regardless of the reasons u give me
the same way i made u a priority that's how i should've been treated
i do need to confess bf i leave that i'm so scared b/c my life i've pictured it w/ u in it and now that picture fell apart
it's like u suddenly bcmng blind, o k vias ja nao existe mais, quer dizer, sempre ira existir mas jamais seras parte desse mundo
so where r u gonna go from here?
i've been losing so much time, but i can't keep my eyes off of u
my God, what is this that doesn't go away even when i try to walk way from it
i don't want to be unwanted anymore
why can't everything i do be beautiful, even if just in ur eyes
why can't u live to make me happy and i'd do the same for u
do u think that if u show me u actually care i'll walk all over u?
nao o podes pensar, impossivel
my God don't u know i crave u making me feel worth it and special to u
Tu, amor nao me mereces but i'll always love u b/c everything has revolved around u

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